Sailplane and Sky


Springs for wingtip aileron of the Duo Discus XL

Item no.: L03-0133-34

This pair of springs is used for the outer wing panel aileron of the DuoDiscus XL. Is it sold with the roll pins used to secure the aileron.

The diameter of the spring leg is 2 mm and it makes more than 2,5 coiled.

The springs used for the Duo Discus and the Ventus-2 is only 1,5 mm. Other gliders needs other models, you can order them through the spare part online form.

from 1 € 39.29 incl. 19% VAT
€ 33.02


We do our best to tell you for which gliders our spare parts are intended but please, bear in mind that some gliders may have been modified.  Please look at the picture carefully to be sure that this is the part you need. If you have any questions, please contact us:

The EASA Form 1 is included when needed.


Country of origin
Springs and leaves for springs, of iron or steel (excl. discs springs, flat spiral springs, helical springs, leaf-springs and leaves therefor, clock and watch springs, springs for sticks and handles of umbrellas or parasols, and shock absorbers and torque rod or torsion bar springs of Section 17)


package-height 30 mm
package-length 45 mm
package-weight 0.01 kg
package-width 30 mm